The dancer and the dance


Hello friends. A primary task for older people is to divest themselves of negative stereotypes of what it means to be old; too often in the aging process we settle for reminiscing rather than creating new memories. Growth through diminishment, based on a willingness to encounter the inner demons of old age with faith, can lead to authentic joy even amid hardships. Oftentimes this means that we must learn to adjust as obstacles and diminishment become evident. It’s good to think of God as our dancing partner as we improvise the new steps of growing older. Best, Gene.

God as Improviser

We start so weak and needy
no surprise that religion creates
the all-powerful, unchangeable.

How else could we have hope
amid plane wreck, war, and cancer ward,
so many starving children without justice?

Might we imagine God as a slow dancer,
moving at the pace of our brokenness,
improvising like a jazz musician to our steps?

In this swirling ball of the wounded,
the divine partner reminds us of love
in our dance through pain and joy.