Tag Archive for: poetry

The Hum of It All: a Kirkus review
PoetryHere is a review of my 2017 collection. I called this third volume of poems "The Hum of It All" to indicate a unifying process in my life.

Watching autumn
PoetryThe carpenter bees of aging are helping me to experience the simplicity of God in every molecule of the universe. Saints and seers grasped this linkage more fully than I.

Lines for winter
PoetryHello friends, studies show the third week of January is the most depressing week of the year. The holiday bills come flooding in, the news echoes the threat of a snow-and-ice event this weekend, and the sun still sets darkly by 7 o'clock.…

The better angels of poetry
PoetryHello friends, it is not only others who ask "where poems come from" or "what does this poem mean?" Often poets themselves don't know how inspiration arrives; we amuse ourselves thinking we are entertaining muses unaware, much as some like to…

In Memory of John Lewis
On EventsThe tributes to the late John Lewis offer a chance to re-examine our moral values and civic obligations.