Aging as a Spiritual Journey
Aging as a Spiritual Journey was my first major foray into the challenges and promise of growing older. The book offered an approach that brought together social, psychological, religious and literary dimensions of aging. I attempted to examine both mid-life and elderhood in terms of difficult challenges and positive options.
I also included a group of interviews with those who are growing older, exploring aging in both personal and social ways themselves. Rather than impose pre-formed ideas of spirituality of middle- and late-life on the aging process, I tried to let the subject develop from many-faceted angles.
I came to realize that those interviewed spoke from their hearts in ways that could still reach other hearts today. Some reviewers found their candid expressions about death and the mystery of what lies beyond particularly intriguing. It is my hope that the ideas developed in Aging as a Spiritual Journey will help readers find deeper meaning in their own journeys. For more about Aging as a Spiritual Journey click on the title link to the right. The photo taken at Donderos’ Kitchen is by Penny Noah, 2015. Best, Gene