Gratitude at 92


Hello friends. Four years ago I wrote a poem, “Grateful at 88.” It was a poem of thanks for my continued life at home along the Oconee, the beauty of nature’s color, shape, and birdsong. Now, at 92, I realize that gratitude is a process that takes a lifetime to develop — or, at least, it was a lifetime process for me.  I know now that I am grateful for all my teachers, both earthly and spiritual, that have taught me valuable lessons I have tried to put into my writing and, currently, my poetry. Since gratitude is a continuing, lifelong path, I know there are always lessons to learn. Best, Gene


Virtues: Gratitude

“You sanctify whatever you are grateful for.”
— Anthony DeMello

Gratitude is a lesson that is learned,
but it takes time to know why to be thankful.
Gratitude for goodness is a virtue that grows as we age.

Children are grateful for a car ride and an ice cream cone.
We are told to say “thank you” to uncles and aunts.

“It’s the thought that counts,” people say,
almost as a reflex to a gift or a kindness.

Learning real gratitude takes nothing for granted,
is shared in simple things, and elevates
the thoughtfulness of others.

A life lived in gratitude is a generous spirit.