Link to Georgia Author of the Year announcement

Please join me on Facebook and YouTube tomorrow at 10 a.m. as the 58th Georgia Author of the Year Awards are announced! A link is included.

Peace and co-existence

The lessons we learn from animals are often simple instructions on co-existence. Peace often comes from seeking it in ourselves, not demanding or insisting that others comply.

Georgia Author of the Year announcement

The Georgia Author of the Year finalists have been announced by Georgia Writers Association. I appreciate your joining me on this creative journey.


Hello friends, aspects of a Catholic childhood enfolded the context of my early life, but they were not its deepest roots. That dirt basement and the key players around it on 42 nd Street in Oakland, California really formed me. Gertrude Stein…

A moral duty

“Who are we as a nation if we do not act to protect our children? ... our elected officials have a moral duty to protect them." Cardinal Blase J. Cupich, Chicago