
Pete Buttigieg recently published a book, Trust: America's Best Chance, on Jimmy Carter's 95th birthday. A few years ago Carter was very kind to me (and other teachers at Emory) by talking in our classes.  He also did interviews with me on…

Melatonin Dreams of Aging

In dreams, Max swims nearby urging me to drift in the currents of now, letting the future approach at its own rate. I feel at ease floating along, looking upward at a blue sky with white clouds along the river. Here's Max in 2017, making sure…

Grateful at Eighty-Eight

Lao Tzu called it Tao, "the Way," since it permeates everything and wants to draw me into peaceful places. Gratitude supplants fear for the most part as one grows older. I'm thankful older folk gave the love, resources, and guidance for me…

Brothers and Sisters, All

A note from the Yale Forum on Religion and ecology: Pope Francis released a new encyclical in Assisi on October 3 for the Feast of St. Francis. The title, “Fratelli Tutti,” can be translated as “Brothers and Sisters, All.” It highlights the theme of friendship and kinship, calling for peace and harmony among all peoples, religions, and nations.
Gene Bianchi and Max

Are Mystics Unaware?

Powerful leaders (autocrats like Trump and Boltisaro) can't worry about how they hurt others...e.g. the ride for T around the military hospital today. Others are infected. Mystics confront the strange and even awful, as there may be wisdom in the pain and fright.