Late love

Hello friends, love has stages. Early infatuation gives way to deeper affection. At the last there is fondness, which seems like a simple thing but is a total understanding of the daily bond. I try to express this in my poem "Late Love," and…

Toward awareness

Age often brings wisdom, but perhaps more important is the ability to see the bigger picture. Whether we call it awakening, self-awareness, perspective, or plain old common sense, many elders achieve a freedom from worry that can be the envy of the rest of us who struggle daily.

Happy new year

Hello friends, I hope the new year brings you continued health and creative energy. Here is a short poem by Mary Oliver that expresses in a few short lines the way of nature to reward contemplation. Thanks, Gene "Prayer" It doesn’t have…

Winter Garden Serenity

Hello friends, although it may not feel like it by the banks of the Oconee currently, winter is here.  With the resurgence of Covid and the renewed emphasis on testing and vaccinations this season requires that we take things cautiously and…

Christmas 2021

Hello friends, Christmas 2021 approaches fast. It is my wish for all of you to enjoy a meaningful and fulfilling time of renewal. Gifts are nice but not necessary; all we need to do is look around and see the abundance we already have. Merry…