Springtime in the garden

Lao Tsu adds a dimension of time and completeness in nature: "nature does not hurry yet all things are accomplished." I find in this Tao verse echoes of my Jesuit days of finding God in everything.

Winterville Marigold Festival, Saturday, May 14

Athens area friends, "Interbeing" and my previous poetry books will be for sale at this year's Marigold Festival in Winterville on Saturday May 14th. Look for them at NEIGHBORHOOD BOOKS.

Good Friday, Easter, and transcendent unity

I've often noted that the arc of my life follows a path from sky to earth religion. The natural world has often been a portal to edges of the transcendent.

Being good ancestors

The idea of an ecological spirituality is a central point to the world we leave to coming generations.

A Long Road Home

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“It’s odd that after thousands of years of great spiritual example and literature we have to remind ourselves that spirituality is to be found in everyday life.” — Thomas Moore