The giving universe

Hello friends, I want to share a poem I wote about having new feline friends. The universe is quite giving. I appreciate the friendship and positive thoughts I receive from unexpected places. Best, Gene.

Pepé, Taz, and Chloe

From two driveways up the street, a new family
gifted us with three bundles of energy:
three cats, twelve weeks old.

Pepé, Taz, and Chloe. They add laughter and love
to help buffer the void left by our cat Anthony Carlo’s passing at 16,
and named after my grandfather.

In his last moments, he was held up by our long-time vet,
David, while Tony kept glancing with love at my wife, Peggy.
I thought of Anthony entering heaven in the here and now.

It reminded me of my uncle John, “Barba Johnny,”
who lived all his life with his parents right across the street
from us in Oakland.

Johnny took care of many stray cats in the neighborhood.
He had a large basement to house and protect them.
He was known in our area as a lover of animals,

just as my mom, Katie, reached out to needy and sick people.
They would be seen today as lay saints.
I have come to realize

how much our religious or spiritual lives
are related to the natural world around us.