Tag Archive for: review

“A mellow saga informed by a life of scholarship”
PoetryFrom Bob Ambrose's review: "Gene Bianchi continues his spiritual exploration of aging through the medium of poetry ... worldly concerns are evident, especially in the third section on Eco-Spirituality."

Review of Interbeing by Robert Ambrose Jr.
Hello friends, Athens poet and my good friend Robert Ambrose Jr. has written a wonderful review of my forthcoming book, Interbeing. The book in hardback, paperback, and ebook editions will be published this spring by Resource Publications,…

Interbeing review
Hello friends,Here is a review of my forthcoming book, "Interbeing," by Athens poet Michelle Castleberry. Her collection "Dissecting the Angel" (2013) was nominated for Georgia poetry book of the year. -- Gene
"In a statement to the United…