Tag Archive for: review

“A mellow saga informed by a life of scholarship”

From Bob Ambrose's review: "Gene Bianchi continues his spiritual exploration of aging through the medium of poetry ... worldly concerns are evident, especially in the third section on Eco-Spirituality."

Review of Interbeing by Robert Ambrose Jr.

Hello friends, Athens poet and my good friend Robert Ambrose Jr. has written a wonderful review of my forthcoming book, Interbeing. The book in hardback, paperback, and ebook editions will be published this spring by Resource Publications,…
Interbeing poetry book cover

Interbeing review

Hello friends,Here is a review of my forthcoming book, "Interbeing," by Athens poet Michelle Castleberry. Her collection "Dissecting the Angel" (2013) was nominated for Georgia poetry book of the year. -- Gene "In a statement to the United…