Tag Archive for: nature

A Walk with Mary Oliver

The poetry of Mary Oliver has been a constant literary companion. Her work is a reminder that God is not some far-away being approachable only by prayer.

First day of Spring 2022

I would like to share a few thoughtful words from one of my West Coast Compañeros, William Cahalan. May you all find renewed hope in a seemingly dark world through nature's abundant and simple gifts.

Ecology and our religious consciousness

Honesty demands that in the realm of doctrine, Christianity does not lend itself easily to becoming a nature spirituality. Ecology has hardly penetrated the shell of modern Christianity. The new challenge calls us far beyond recycling, or a few prayers for the earth at Mass, or turning the church garden into a bird sanctuary.
Ear to the Ground

Just So

Hello, friends. Somehow we have reached September already, and the sunlight is shifting to a different glow here in Athens even though the temperature still hits 90 degrees. Writer Lewis Richmond reminds us in a Buddhist summary: “everything…

Webs of Life

Spirituality has been widely enlarged for me by Buddhist and Daoist insights as well as by Muslim and Christian mystics. The carpenter bees of aging are further clearing the field for me, bringing me down to experience the simplicity of God in every molecule of the universe.