Tag Archive for: nature

Watching autumn
PoetryThe carpenter bees of aging are helping me to experience the simplicity of God in every molecule of the universe. Saints and seers grasped this linkage more fully than I.

God save the King
PoetryWatching the momentous funeral ceremonies for Queen Elizabeth yesterday, the faces of the royal family were a study of both sadness and uncertainty. I join many people in wishing the new King well, whatever comes next for the monarchy.

God as a verb
PoetryI have devoted many of my poems to reflections on spirituality after a career of teaching and writing about religion. I have hoped to nudge readers into the present moment.

The gifts of less
PoetryThe recent summer rain here by the Oconee River has been a welcome change. How important it is to maintain balance in life and nature, and to enjoy in a stormy day what I call "the gifts of less."

Springtime in the garden
commentary, PoetryLao Tsu adds a dimension of time and completeness in nature: "nature does not hurry yet all things are accomplished." I find in this Tao verse echoes of my Jesuit days of finding God in everything.