Tag Archive for: Martin Luther King Jr

Thich Nhat Hanh
commentaryHello friends, Thich Nhat Hanh has died, age 95. His teachings have been very much a part of my spiritual journey. I called my fourth book of poetry "Interbeing," his own term of inter-connectedness, to honor Thich Nhat Hanh's lifetime of work.…

Martin Luther King, Jr
commentary, On EventsHello friends, the work of Martin Luther King Jr. continues to inspire us in the face of today's challenges. The simple, daily things we do to encourage universal brotherhood are just as important as the words of great leaders. Thanks, Gene

Hail to Heroes
This day of remembrance to the life and work of Martin Luther King, Jr. is equally a day of service. In America as elsewhere, the striving for a just and fair world is a task of on-going service, and the task is always to achieve a "yes, but…