Tag Archive for: health

Saint Patrick and the snakes
PoetrySt. Patrick's Day is a wonderful time to celebrate the return of spring green. The legend of Patrick driving snakes out of Ireland certainly makes him at least the patron of people afraid of snakes. In this poem I imagine sir snake is giving me his worthy advice to health and well-being.

Aging in the currents of the moment
PoetryHello friends, Autumn brings cooler weather and an opportunity to take note of changes, both seasonal and personal. As I get older the more deliberately I need to operate, like a car that has many miles on it and more miles to travel. But the…

Max on Hardship and Hope
There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats. -- Albert Schweitzer
Hello friends,
I asked Peggy how long I have complained about morning fatigue. Food helps and coffee/tea. She thinks it has to do…

Staying in touch during Covid isolation
commentaryThe Covid-19 pandemic may be with us for much longer than most of us thought. For the aging and elderly population there are greater challenges to underlying health concerns. Stay in contact with neighbors and friends by telephone and computer -- one of the benefits of our modern age.