Tag Archive for: gratitude

Gratitude at 92

At 92, I realize that gratitude is a process that takes a lifetime to develop -- or, at least, it was a lifetime process for me.  I know now that I am grateful for all my teachers, both earthly and spiritual, that have taught me valuable lessons.

Thankful for all my relations

My path continues from "sky" to earth religion with my brethren in garden, river, and forest. I am thankful to everyone who in overt and subtle ways contributed to my growth in knowledge and a little wisdom.

Talking to Myself as Prayer

Hello friends. This holiday season, more than most, is a time of gratitude. The photo highlights my mom, Katie, who loved me all the way, myself, and my younger brother George. Who could have realized the fine people, animals and other creatures…

Grateful at Eighty-Eight

Lao Tzu called it Tao, "the Way," since it permeates everything and wants to draw me into peaceful places. Gratitude supplants fear for the most part as one grows older. I'm thankful older folk gave the love, resources, and guidance for me…