Tag Archive for: cat max
Are Mystics Unaware?
PoetryPowerful leaders (autocrats like Trump and Boltisaro) can't worry about how they hurt others...e.g. the ride for T around the military hospital today. Others are infected. Mystics confront the strange and even awful, as there may be wisdom in the pain and fright.
Webs of Life
PoetrySpirituality has been widely enlarged for me by Buddhist and Daoist insights as well as by Muslim and Christian mystics. The carpenter bees of aging are further clearing the field for me, bringing me down to experience the simplicity of God in every molecule of the universe.
Centerstage Buddhas
PoetryHello friends, my poetry often includes animals. They are nature's true teachers and I am fortunate to learn from them every day here on the banks of the Oconee. My two "cat familiars" Max and Tony continue to be the centerstage Buddhas in my…