Tag Archive for: advice

Saint Patrick and the snakes

St. Patrick's Day is a wonderful time to celebrate the return of spring green. The legend of Patrick driving snakes out of Ireland certainly makes him at least the patron of people afraid of snakes. In this poem I imagine sir snake is giving me his worthy advice to health and well-being.

Making contributions as we grow older

One goal of my long writing career has always been to explore the spirituality of aging in a humanistic idiom. Its themes can be related to traditional religious language, but they don’t have to be.

“Gene, You’re Slowing Down”

Hello friends, Aging is not for the young, as the saying goes. These days my balance seems to be wobbly, and my footsteps are not as certain as they once were. I take an occasional tumble to remind myself that dignity is one of the most fleeting…

“The Hard and the Soft”

Hello friends, with springtime here I'm reminded that new growth and wild green everywhere means renewed life and a hopeful season. What looks fragile and tentative in April will be hardy and strong in May storms and summer heat. As my poem…