First day of Spring 2022

Hello friends. On this first day of Spring 2022, I would like to share a few thoughtful words from one of my West Coast Compañeros, William Cahalan. May you all find renewed hope in a seemingly dark world through nature’s abundant and simple gifts. Best, Gene.

from Belonging to Life

“I cultivate gratitude each day, savoring thoughtfully the freely-given gifts of light, rain, air, and food of which I am made. I reflect on these primal, cycling elements, surrounding and permeating me now, as having constituted innumerable beings, all our human and non-human ancestors. I regularly recall the debt my gratitude brings with it. This debt is to be repaid not only by a life of right relationship with, and service to, people and the land community, but by relinquishing my body to the Earth dance in small ways daily, with each breath I release.”