Cosmogenesis in the Garden

Hello, friends. This beautiful weather reminds us that Spring is a season of ever-renewing change. Even as the world still suffers from many ills and the continuing Covid-19 pandemic, our glance at the garden and the abundance of warm sunshine assures us that the turn of March weather will soon lead to the hope and rebirth signified by Easter. Here is a poem of mine from March 2018 which I would like to share with you. Thanks, Gene

“Cosmogenesis in the Garden”

Modern life separates us from nature
like the hard surfaces at this McDonalds.
The morning began with garden softness,
so much Spring budding, rosemary’s
blue-gray flowers calling bees to breakfast,
and offering its fragrant branches
for thumb-forefinger rubbing and
that special scent in this moment.
My hand on the rusted rail assists
in replacing birdseed and suet,
as I answer the wren’s antiphonal call,
caught up in divine embrace.
Late in the day two old cancer survivors
sit on the porch looking west,
Siamese Max and I, watching a circle
of moon-like orange sun poised on the horizon
behind blackened trees for its daily
plunge, playing gently on elder eyes,
companion of every journey.

— Mar. 20, 2018