“To me, religious life is life.”

The monk Thích Nhất Hạnh shocked many when he shared the Eucharist with Father Daniel Berrigan. As he explained, "We human beings can be nourished by the best values of many traditions."

We Side with the Morning

Summertime in Athens is a season to think about the relation of nature to the spirit. Everything is at its fullest and greenest, and at this age I find great comfort in seeing the natural world at its most complete.

Gratitude at 92

At 92, I realize that gratitude is a process that takes a lifetime to develop -- or, at least, it was a lifetime process for me.  I know now that I am grateful for all my teachers, both earthly and spiritual, that have taught me valuable lessons.

Learning from our mistakes

To welcome mistakes means that one is trying something new, and enlightenment can often mean recognizing mistakes is a part of The Way.

The gifts of less

The recent summer rain here by the Oconee River has been a welcome change. How important it is to maintain balance in life and nature, and to enjoy in a stormy day what I call "the gifts of less."