Ear to the Ground

Just So

Hello, friends. Somehow we have reached September already, and the sunlight is shifting to a different glow here in Athens even though the temperature still hits 90 degrees. Writer Lewis Richmond reminds us in a Buddhist summary: “everything…

The Hum of it All

Hello, friends. Here is an excerpt from a Kirkus review of my 2017 book of poems, "The Hum of it All." "A poet muses on faith, peace, and the ties that bind in this accomplished collection.It is fitting that Bianchi should borrow…

The Cat and the Crow

Dear friends, no great mosaic of beauty was ever built without an overall design. If our lives are to become a mosaic of beauty, it is never too late starting with the pieces most familiar to oneself.

To Greet the Day

My fourth collection of poems, "Interbeing," will be available this fall from Wipf & Stock publishers.

July 4: Personal freedom and personal responsibility

The endless debate between gun-rights advocates and the need for addressing the senseless violence in our country is a disconnect between ideas of personal freedom and personal responsibility. The violence in American streets and in our schools will not be solved by arming teachers in the classroom.