Bigger Tents

Hi, friends, Thanksgiving is on the way, a time to reflect on the events of 2020. After the tumult of the recent election and its aftermath, I thought this poem on the circus might echo the dark and light of life. I remember the circus coming…

Venturing Toward Vibrancy

Below is a poem of mine from "Chewing Down My Barn," my second book of poems. While I'm thankful for all family and friends, and institutions that helped me along the way, this poem underscores gratitude for unusual happenings, eastern…

The core problem

Hello, friends. Halloween is Saturday, and after that the election on Tuesday. Watching President Trump do his shouting rants from rallies to the White House lawn seems to make "The Core Problem" a poem appropriate for this national moment.…

Good Enough

Hello friends, age has a way of encouraging me to be more honest in everyday things. This includes even answering simple questions such as "how are you doing?" The young grocery clerks smile or look surprised when I answer at the counter with…


Hello friends, I experience anxiety about the morning fatigue that is diminished by coffee and a strong breakfast. Eventually drinking water helps. I need to talk with my doctor about dehydration and getting up too much during the night, and…