Talking to Myself as Prayer

Hello friends. This holiday season, more than most, is a time of gratitude. The photo highlights my mom, Katie, who loved me all the way, myself, and my younger brother George. Who could have realized the fine people, animals and other creatures…

Late love

Hi friends, With age we find more time for things to love, things we might have overlooked in our earlier years. With lessened time (and awareness of aging) we may become alert to things we neglected in the past, such as an amazing bird…

Growing toward union

Hello friends, With the new year approaching it seems natural to take stock of our selves, our friendships, and our accomplishments. Many measure their lives by the accumulation of things. Greed captivates us early on. So much to have.…
Gene Bianchi and Max

Mutual Healing With Max

Hi friends,Love of animals is a later life gift for me. It's amazing how we can be compassionate healers for one another when we can. Animals seem to know what's best for them, and often for "their humans." The holiday season seems to heighten…

Max on Hardship and Hope

There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.  -- Albert Schweitzer Hello friends, I asked Peggy how long I have complained about morning fatigue. Food helps and coffee/tea. She thinks it has to do…