Birthday wishes

Dear friends, today is my 91st birthday. My fondest wish for all of you is that you find peace and contentment right where you are. Often, we try to put these feelings into words, and just as often fail: the Buddha would tell us stop looking…

“Gene, You’re Slowing Down”

Hello friends, There will be a point in life that you begin to measure what you want to do against what you can do given physical limitations and seeing death getting closer. Hug those you love, care for yourself, help others. Here's a poem…

The Hum of It All

Hello friends, sometimes the world seems too much with us, as the saying goes. Television, cable services, social media, even old-fashioned magazines and newspapers threaten to drown us in information. There's no real solution, of course; the…

Feeling Fog, Feeling God

Now that Spring has truly arrived it is wonderful to see all the new season's growth and returning beauty. By the Oconee there can still be cool morning fog, reminding me that life still has its mysteries no matter how much brain-power I use trying to understand it.

Jesus at the Globe Tavern

Hi friends, here is a somewhat odd poem for Easter. The Globe Tavern is a local Athens bar that hosts poetry readings. While I was there back in 2016, seeing a homeless person brought back similar memories at the Bar Blu in Italy. Happy Easter,…