Peace as a personal choice

The war in Ukraine is the latest example that tribal conflict is deeply rooted in human nature and, in Putin’s case, a desire for historical glory. Thich Nhat Hanh reminds us that peace, “the way,” is also a personal choice.

A personal koan

My poem "A Personal Koan" is a way of addressing my relationship with my brother George. In many ways, our lives can be seen as a great riddle, a koan, that may or not be solved.

2022 Georgia Author of the Year Award nomination

INTERBEING: New and Selected Poems on Ecological Spirituality has been nominated for 2022 Georgia Book of the Year by the Georgia Writers Association. I am honored for Interbeing to be included in this year's nominees.

Que sera, sera

It takes a lifetime to form a personal philosophy. Often one is shaped by the many phases of a lifetime, but old age gives the opportunity to take stock, with some time-tested, basic definitions.

Selving: Let mystery remain

The act of selving is poet Gerard Manley Hopkins' idea of (and invented word for) the crucial human act of becoming one's self. My brother George and I came to realize over the decades that although we are brothers we found our true selves on different paths.