First day of Spring 2022

I would like to share a few thoughtful words from one of my West Coast Compañeros, William Cahalan. May you all find renewed hope in a seemingly dark world through nature's abundant and simple gifts.

Saint Patrick and the snakes

St. Patrick's Day is a wonderful time to celebrate the return of spring green. The legend of Patrick driving snakes out of Ireland certainly makes him at least the patron of people afraid of snakes. In this poem I imagine sir snake is giving me his worthy advice to health and well-being.

The Church’s past and its future

Think of the police and the military, which are both rank-and-respect organizations much as the church Curia. It's a big blow for the Curia to find that the cosmic Chief may not care all that much about celibacy. God He/She might be just fine with women priests. And gay priests.

“Rope which has been twisted and then unraveled”

In many ways I think of my life and writing in terms of Gerard Manley Hopkins' line, as "a length of rope which has been twisted and then unraveled."

Finding the spirit within the physical world

As I move on with my daily life of exercise with caretakers, phone calls and Zoom meetings, I am still planning and doing, although at a much slower pace.