Words from Rosemary Ruether, 1936-2022

" ... we can be confident that our creative work will be nourishing to the community of life, even as we relinquish our small self back into the great Self."

Earth Day 2023

Earth Day was very special to Gene. His youth in Oakland was filled with vegetable gardens, fruit for wine, family, and a closeness to the seasons that deepened with age. Here is a 2018 poem from Gene that combines all these threads, titled "Mother Earth Day."

Still true today

Truman said it in 1952 and it still applies today.

Revolutionaries and religion

“The religious experience can be found in its deepest dimensions within the secular experience. The religious experience is the secular experience of self‐transcendence."

Eugene C. Bianchi (1930-2022)

In his own words, Gene wrote: "It's good to think of God as our dancing partner as we improvise the new steps of growing older."