Martin Luther King, Jr

Hello friends, the work of Martin Luther King Jr. continues to inspire us in the face of today's challenges. The simple, daily things we do to encourage universal brotherhood are just as important as the words of great leaders. Thanks, Gene

Desmond Tutu

Hello friends, I would like to share a post from the wonderful Facebook group Jesuits West, based in Portland, Oregon. Desmond Tutu understood that ecumenism can help to tear down religious, political, and social walls that separate us from…

The secular and the sacred

In my writing I have often tried to point to a closer relationship between what we think of as the secular and the sacred. An intimate connection between them is not arbitrary or insignificant. In the first chapter of the Tao Te Ching we are told that the invisible ultimate is present in its everyday manifestations.

Staying in touch during Covid isolation

The Covid-19 pandemic may be with us for much longer than most of us thought. For the aging and elderly population there are greater challenges to underlying health concerns. Stay in contact with neighbors and friends by telephone and computer -- one of the benefits of our modern age.

Aging as a Spiritual Journey

Aging as a Spiritual Journey was my first major foray into the challenges and promise of growing older. The book offered an approach that brought together social, psychological, religious and literary dimensions of aging. I attempted to examine…