Making contributions as we grow older

One goal of my long writing career has always been to explore the spirituality of aging in a humanistic idiom. Its themes can be related to traditional religious language, but they don’t have to be.

St. Valentines Day

February 14 is a unique day in American culture - one day a year, we are urged to love someone else besides ourselves (and to buy a card to declare our unmistakable intentions!)

The interlocking life

Hello friends, As I look back on my three books on aging and my memoir, Taking a Long Road Home, I realize that this whole writing enterprise has been about searching inwardly on the contemplative path to live more creatively and spiritually.…

The language of God

Hello friends, In the first chapter of the Tao Te Ching, we are told that the invisible ultimate is present in its manifestations. The sacred infuses the secular. Or, in the voice of Simone Weil, the world is the language of God. I become more…

Thich Nhat Hanh

Hello friends, Thich Nhat Hanh has died, age 95. His teachings have been very much a part of my spiritual journey. I called my fourth book of poetry "Interbeing," his own term of inter-connectedness, to honor Thich Nhat Hanh's lifetime of work.…