The dancer and the dance

Growth through diminishment, based on a willingness to encounter the inner demons of old age with faith, can lead to authentic joy even amid hardships.

Attacking justice

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I see photos of old friends with children and grandkids, marching in DC for gun legislation. How do we gain insight into brain disorders that drive some to pick up semi-automatics for acts of domestic terrorism?


"Awakening is no longer a luxury or an ideal. we don't need to add more depression, more discouragement, or more anger." (Pema Chödrön)

“To me, religious life is life.”

The monk Thích Nhất Hạnh shocked many when he shared the Eucharist with Father Daniel Berrigan. As he explained, "We human beings can be nourished by the best values of many traditions."

We Side with the Morning

Summertime in Athens is a season to think about the relation of nature to the spirit. Everything is at its fullest and greenest, and at this age I find great comfort in seeing the natural world at its most complete.