Attacking justice

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I see photos of old friends with children and grandkids, marching in DC for gun legislation. How do we gain insight into brain disorders that drive some to pick up semi-automatics for acts of domestic terrorism?


"Awakening is no longer a luxury or an ideal. we don't need to add more depression, more discouragement, or more anger." (Pema Chödrön)

God as a verb

I have devoted many of my poems to reflections on spirituality after a career of teaching and writing about religion. I have hoped to nudge readers into the present moment.


Compassion is necessary for a life well-lived, and one of the most difficult virtues to develop regarding human nature. My Uncle John always welcomed visits from myself and younger brother George with unconditional favor.

The giving universe

I have three new feline friends, Pepé, Taz, and Chloe. I appreciate the friendship and positive thoughts I receive from unexpected places.