
Hello friends, September is a good time to reflect on time’s passing. A change of season, a difference in the weather, makes me realize that my own journey through life has been a series of passages as well. Here’s a poem from my new book, “Interbeing,” which describes some of my life’s changes — some planned, many a matter of fate or fortune. At age 91 sometimes it is difficult to distinguish one from the other! This is a photo of myself in younger days, included in one of my many published books. Thanks, Gene



I was ordained a Jesuit priest in Brussels
in August 1961, and left the Order in 1968
to open up to wider experience.

I knew about the edges of depression
in my Jesuit life but was too self-satisfied
and able to hide from myself.

St. Ignatius’ “Spiritual Exercises” were
a journey of torment and humility
that led to light an uneasy way.

A half-century later, I’m blessed by many turns
not of my own making, as I had to learn
to sing my own blues in odd tunes,

to sense the divine, surprising me
around many undetected corners,
as Rumi and Buddha led me toward Jesus.

The personal struggles of marriage
helped me look deeper, and let simple things—
animals, river and garden—become sacred.

I stay involved in church reform movements,
still hampered by mandatory celibacy for priests
and a patriarchy harmful to women.

Yet my journey continues to offer blessings
by finding new ways to love the world.